6 tips for purchasing LED lighting

So you’re thinking about moving your lighting over to LED lights. That’s a bright idea!

LED lights are not only more environmentally-friendly and energy efficient, they are also the perfect cost-saving alternative to conventional incandescent lighting. In fact, if you live in New South Wales and upgrade to LEDs, you have the opportunity to claim other financial rewards via the NSW Energy Savings Scheme (ESS). https://trackieind.com.au/the-nsw-energy-saving-scheme-ess-not-just-about-lighting/

Don’t know where to start? Read on to find out more!

What’s the difference between traditional and LED lights?

Traditional bulbs emit light in all directions, with reflectors inside the luminaires ‘bouncing’ as much light as possible away from the lamp and towards the target area. However, not all light can be effectively redirected, with 40% or more of the light typically trapped within the luminaire.

This loss of lumen (aka brightness) is likely to increase as the fittings age and accumulate corrosion and dust.

On the other hand, LED lights deliver the majority of light in a reduced beam angle and don’t usually require an external reflector for the light. This results in a higher Light Output Reading (LOR) than their counterpart – and a higher life expectancy.

One of the greatest advantages of switching to LED lighting is the reduced maintenance costs. Most LED luminaires have a rated life of over 50,000 hours or over 15 years (based on 3,000 hours annum)! The best way to avoid maintenance costs completely is to purchase high quality LED lights.

6 tips for purchasing LED lighting

Here are 6 simple tips for moving your facility’s lighting over to LEDs.

1. Check the warranty periods

Warranties between LED products can vary, but we recommend avoiding any warranty less than five years (commercial). Obviously, the longer the warranty the better, as it means your supplier has confidence in their products.

2. Find out more about the LED supplier

Be sure that the lights are supplied by a reputable company that’s likely to be around in the future and provide ongoing assistance.

3. Find the right person to install the lights

Ask around to find out who other companies use as their LED installer. Who do they trust? If you can’t obtain referrals first hand, ask the installer for testimonials to support their workmanship.

4. Consider whether the lighting output will be the same as or better than what you currently have

When meeting with your installer, discuss your current and future lighting needs. Do you need more or less light? Do you know what lighting levels you need for each area?

5. Find out the actual light output of the proposed luminaires

It is important to note that all LED fittings with similarly reported wattage are NOT always the same.

For example:

Product A – 150w LED floodlight – 12,700lm

Product B – 150w LED floodlight – 17,500lm

Do not rely on the wattage to determine your needs, as you might end up being very disappointed. Ask your installer for their recommendations based on your needs.

6. Are the lights approved for the NSW Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) rebates?

If you are upgrading a commercial site in NSW, you might be entitled to creating Energy Saving Certificates and save even more. Refer to our blog about ESS here.  https://trackieind.com.au/the-nsw-energy-saving-scheme-ess-not-just-about-lighting/

For all your LED lighting needs, feel free to give Trackie a call on 02 9894 9119.

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