Tradie Wives Unite

I’ve always had a flirtation with the well-known saying – there are friends for reasons, for seasons and for life.

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Multi-Purpose School Halls can be hard to light…

hall lighting at schools

A school hall is a multi-functional space allowing for a wide range of sporting activities, school assemblies, school productions, cafeteria, exams and it is sometimes used as a community meeting space.  Multi-purpose areas with high ceilings require lighting to be dynamic and inexpensive to be suitable for a school environment. At Trackie, we stand by…

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Designing Quality Learning Spaces for Schools

classroom lighting

Lighting design for education is a challenging task as it accommodates for a wide diversity of educational activities and environments, from classrooms to gyms, libraries to science labs and break-out collaborative work areas. Lighting needs to take into consideration the different instructional media and technologies; from electronic white boards, projectors, blackboards, TVs and computer screens.…

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Is your building emergency ready?

emergency light

In an emergency, we want things we have designed to save lives to work properly. Seatbelts, airbags, smoke alarms etc. In that category we should also include the humble emergency light. The emergency light is the most important essential service in high-rise and public buildings when the power goes down. When this occurs, the lifts…

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