Aged Care and nursing homes

Create a comfortable and safe environment for all residents.


New regulations require nursing homes and aged care facilities to provide a "comfortable and safe service environment". Many of the changes relate to lighting, air flow and heating.

Today, aged care facilities are required to provide a safe living environment, while at the same time, managing the cost of the facility, especially in the mechanical and electrical services area. At Trackie Industries, we’ve been helping aged care facilities keep the aged comfortable and safe for a number of years.

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Case study - A Nurse's Perspective


The temperature in most aged care facilities varies enormously between parts of the buildings. Large glass panels in modern buildings often have one part of the building always feeling cooler than the enclosed wings and specialised units.

Temperatures vary wildly within one building, causing concerns for hypothermia in Winter and dehydration in Summer. Similarly, there may be issues with boiler room malfunctions which can either over heat the water supply (scald risk) or fail all together.

So in a nutshell, temperatures vary considerably within one facility meaning the overall comfort levels in 80% of aged care facilities encounter problems that need to be monitored closely by experienced technicians.


Rod Wyber - A1 Nursing Services



Services for Age care and nursing homes


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